In this document


Pub/sub event model is widely used in the client side. ASP.NET Boilerplate includes a simple global event bus to register to and trigger events.

Register To Events

You can use abp.event.on to register to a global event. An example registration:

abp.event.on('itemAddedToBasket', function (item) {
    console.log( + ' is added to basket!');

Firt argument is unique name of the event. Second one is a callback function that is called when the specified event is triggered.

You can use method to unregister from an event. Notice that; same function should be provided in order to unregister. So, for the example above, you should set the callback function to a variable, then use both in on and off methods.

Trigger Events

abp.event.trigger is used to trigger a global event. Example trigger code for the event registered above:

abp.event.trigger('itemAddedToBasket', {
    id: 42,
    name: 'Acme Light MousePad'

Firt argument is unique name of the event. Second one is the (optional) event argument. You can add any number of arguments and get them in the callback method.