In this document

We love to show some fancy auto-disappearing notifications when something happens, like when an item is saved or a problem occured. ASP.NET Boilerplate defines standard APIs for that.

abp.notify.success('a message text', 'optional title');'a message text', 'optional title');
abp.notify.warn('a message text', 'optional title');
abp.notify.error('a message text', 'optional title');

It also can get a 3rd argument (object) as custom options of the notification library.

Notification API is implemented using toastr library by default. To make toastr work, you should include toastr's css & javascript files, then include abp.toastr.js to your page as adapter. A toastr success notification is shown below:

Success notification using toastr.js

You can also implement notification in your favourite notification library. Just override all functions in a custom javascript file and include it in to your page instead of abp.toastr.js (You can check this file to see implementation, it's pretty simple).