In this document


Most SaaS (multi-tenant) applications have editions (packages) those have different features. Thus, they can provide different price and feature options to thier tenants (customers).

ASP.NET Boilerplate provides a feature system to make it easier. We can define features, check if a feature is enabled for a tenant and integrate feature system to other ASP.NET Boilerplate concepts (like authorization and navigation).

About IFeatureValueStore

Feature system uses IFeatureValueStore to get values of features. While you can implement it in your own way, it's fully implemented in module-zero project. If it's not implemented, NullFeatureValueStore is used which returns null for all features (Default feature values are used in this case).

Feature Types

There are two fundamental feature types.

Boolean Feature

Can be "true" or "false". This type of a feature can be enabled or disabled (for an edition or for a tenant).

Value Feature

Can be an arbitrary value. While it's stored and retrieved a string, numbers also can be stored as strings.

For example, our application may be a task management application and we may have a limit for creating tasks in a month. Say that we have two different edition/package; one allows creating 1,000 tasks per month, while other allows creating 5,000 tasks per month. So, this feature should be stored as value, not simply true/false.

Defining Features

A feature should be defined before checking. A module can define it's own features by deriving from FeatureProvider class. Here, a very simple feature provider that defines 3 features:

public class AppFeatureProvider : FeatureProvider
    public override void SetFeatures(IFeatureDefinitionContext context)
        var sampleBooleanFeature = context.Create("SampleBooleanFeature", defaultValue: "false");
        sampleBooleanFeature.CreateChildFeature("SampleNumericFeature", defaultValue: "10");
        context.Create("SampleSelectionFeature", defaultValue: "B");

After creating a feature provider, we should register it in our module's PreInitialize method as shown below:


Basic Feature Properties

A feature definition requires two properties at least:

  • Name: A unique name (as string) to identify the feature.
  • Default value: A default value. This is used when we need the value of the feature and it's not available for current tenant.

Here, we defined a boolean feature named "SampleBooleanFeature" which's default value is "false" (not enabled). We also defined two value features (SampleNumericFeature is defined as child of SampleBooleanFeature).

Tip: Create a const string for a feature name and use it everywhere to prevent typing errors.

Other Feature Properties

While unique name and default value properties are required, there are somre optional properties for a detailed control.

  • Scope: A value in FeatureScopes enum. It can be Edition (if this feature can be set only for edition level), Tenant (if this feature can be set only for tenant level) or All (if this feature can be set for editions and tenants, where tenant setting overrides it's edition's setting). Default value is All.
  • DisplayName: A localizable string to show the feature's name to users.
  • Description: A localizable string to show the feature's detailed description to users.
  • InputType: A UI input type for the feature. This can be defined, then can be used while creating an automatic feature screen.
  • Attributes: An arbitrary custom dictionary of key-value pairs those can be related to the feature.

Let's see more detailed definitions for the features above:

public class AppFeatureProvider : FeatureProvider
    public override void SetFeatures(IFeatureDefinitionContext context)
        var sampleBooleanFeature = context.Create(
            defaultValue: "false",
            displayName: L("Sample boolean feature"),
            inputType: new CheckboxInputType()

            defaultValue: "10",
            displayName: L("Sample numeric feature"),
            inputType: new SingleLineStringInputType(new NumericValueValidator(1, 1000000))

            defaultValue: "B",
            displayName: L("Sample selection feature"),
            inputType: new ComboboxInputType(
                new StaticLocalizableComboboxItemSource(
                    new LocalizableComboboxItem("A", L("Selection A")),
                    new LocalizableComboboxItem("B", L("Selection B")),
                    new LocalizableComboboxItem("C", L("Selection C"))

    private static ILocalizableString L(string name)
        return new LocalizableString(name, AbpZeroTemplateConsts.LocalizationSourceName);

Note that: Input type definitions are not used by ASP.NET Boilerplate. They can be used by applications while creating inputs for features. ASP.NET Boilerplate just provides infrastructure to make it easier.

Feature Hierarchy

As shown in the sample feature providers, a feature can have child features. A Parent feature is generally defined as boolean feature. Child features will be available only if the parent enabled. ASP.NET Boilerplate does not enforces but suggests this. Applications should take care of it.

Checking Features

We define a feature to check it's value in the application to allow or block some application features per tenant. There are different ways of checking it.

Using RequiresFeature Attribute

We can use RequiredFeature attribute for a method or a class as shown below:

public async Task<FileDto> GetReportToExcel(...)

This method is executed only if "ExportToExcel" feature is enabled for the current tenant (current tenant is obtained from IAbpSession). If it's not enabled, an AbpAuthorizationException is thrown automatically.

Surely, RequiresFeature attribute should be used for boolean type features. Otherwise, you may get exceptions.

RequiresFeature attribute notes

ASP.NET Boilerplate uses power of dynamic method interception for feature checking. So, there is some restrictions for the methods use RequiresFeature attribute.

  • Can not use it for private methods.
  • Can not use it for static methods.
  • Can not use it for methods of a non-injected class (We must use dependency injection).


  • Can use it for any public method if the method is called over an interface (like Application Services used over interface).
  • A method should be virtual if it's called directly from class reference (like ASP.NET MVC or Web API Controllers).
  • A method should be virtual if it's protected.

Using IFeatureChecker

We can inject and use IFeatureChecker to check a feature manually (it's automatically injected and directly usable for application services, MVC and Web API controllers).


Used to simply check if given feature is enabled or not. Example:

public async Task<FileDto> GetReportToExcel(...)
    if (await FeatureChecker.IsEnabledAsync("ExportToExcel"))
        throw new AbpAuthorizationException("You don't have this feature: ExportToExcel");


IsEnabledAsync and other methods have also sync versions.

Surely, IsEnabled method should be used for boolean type features. Otherwise, you may get exceptions.

If you just want to check a feature and throw exception as shown in the example, you can just use CheckEnabled method.


Used to get current value of a feature for value type features. Example:

var createdTaskCountInThisMonth = GetCreatedTaskCountInThisMonth();
if (createdTaskCountInThisMonth >= FeatureChecker.GetValue("MaxTaskCreationLimitPerMonth").To<int>())
    throw new AbpAuthorizationException("You exceed task creation limit for this month, sorry :(");

FeatureChecker methods have also overrides to work features for a specified tenantId, not only for the current tenantId.

Client Side

In the client side (javascript), we can use abp.features namespace to get current values of the features.

var isEnabled = abp.features.isEnabled('SampleBooleanFeature');
var value = abp.features.getValue('SampleNumericFeature');

Feature Manager

If you need to definitions of features, you can inject and use IFeatureManager.

A Note For Editions

ASP.NET Boilerplate framework has not a built-in edition system because such a system requires a database (to store editions, edition features, tenant-edition mappings and so on...). Therefore, edition system is implemented in module zero. You can use it to easily have an edition system, or you can implement all yourself.