In this document

Message API is used to show a message to the user or to get a confirmation from user.

Message API is implemented using sweetalert by default. To make sweetalert work, you should include it's css & javascript files, then include abp.sweet-alert.js to your page as adapter.

Show message

Examples:'some info message', 'some optional title');
abp.message.success('some success message', 'some optional title');
abp.message.warn('some warning message', 'some optional title');
abp.message.error('some error message', 'some optional title');

 A success message is shown below:

Success message using sweetalert



    'User admin will be deleted.',
    'Are you sure?',
    function (isConfirmed) {
        if (isConfirmed) {
            //...delete user

Second argument (title) is optional here (so, callback function can be second argument).

A confirmation message is shown below:

Confirmation message using sweetalert

ASP.NET Boilerplate internally uses Message API. For example, it calls abp.message.error if an AJAX call fails.