In this document


"Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of attack that occurs when a malicious web site, email, blog, instant message, or program causes a user’s web browser to perform an unwanted action on a trusted site for which the user is currently authenticated" (OWASP).

It's also briefly described here to explain how to implement it in ASP.NET Web API.

ABP framework simplifies and automates CSRF protection as much as possible. Startup templates comes with pre-configured and working out of the box. In this document, we will explain how it's integrated to ASP.NET platforms and how it works.

Http Verbs

It's not needed to protect our actions for GET, HEAD, OPTIONS and TRACE HTTP verbs since they should be side effect free (don't change database) normally. While ABP assumes that (and implements Anti Forgery protection for only POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE verbs), you can change this behaviour using attrbiutes defined in this document.

Non Browser Clients

CSRF is a type of attack that is a problem for browsers. Because a browser sends all cookies (including auth cookies) in all requests, including cross domain requests. But, it's not a problem for non browser clients, like mobile applications. ABP framework can understand the difference and automatically skips anti forgery validation for non browser clients.



ASP.NET MVC has it's own built-in AntiForgery system as you probably know. But it has a few weeknesses:

  • Requires to add ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute to all actions need to be protected. We may forget to add it for all needed actions.
  • ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute only checks __RequestVerificationToken in the HTML form fields. This makes very hard or impossible to use it for AJAX requests, especially if you are sending "application/json" as content-type. In AJAX requests, it's common to set token in the request header.
  • It's hard to access to the verification token in javascript code (especially if you don't write your javascript in .cshtml files). We need to access it to use it in our AJAX requests.
  • Even we can access to the token in javascript, we should manually add it to the header for every request.

ABP does followings to overcome this difficulties:

  • No need to add ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute for POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE actions anymore, because they are automatically protected (by AbpAntiForgeryMvcFilter). Automatic protection will be enough for most cases. But you can disable it for an action or controller using DisableAbpAntiForgeryTokenValidation attribute and you can enable it for any action/controller using ValidateAbpAntiForgeryToken attribute.
  • AbpAntiForgeryMvcFilter also checks token in the header in addition to HTML form field. Thus, we can easily use anti forgery token protection for AJAX requests.
  • Provides function to get the token in the javascript, even you will not need it much.
  • Automatically adds anti forgery token to the header for all AJAX requests.

Thus, it almost seamlessly works.


Startup templates already integrated to CSRF protection out of the box. If you need to manually add it to your project (maybe you created your project before we added it), follow this guide.

Layout View

We should add the following code in our Layout view:


Thus, all pages use this layout will include it. This method is defined in base ABP view class. It creates and sets appropriate token cookies and makes javascript side working. If you have more than one layout, add this to all of them.

That's all we should do for ASP.NET MVC applications. All AJAX requests will work automatically. But we should still use @Html.AntiForgeryToken() HTML helper for our HTML forms which are not posted via AJAX (But no need to ValidateAbpAntiForgeryToken attribute for the corresponding action).


XSRF protection is enabled by default. You can disable or configure it in your module's PreInitialize method. Example:

Configuration.Modules.AbpWeb().AntiForgery.IsEnabled = false;

You can also configure token and cookie names using Configuration.Modules.AbpWebCommon().AntiForgery object.



ASP.NET Web API does not include an anti forgery mechanism. ASP.NET Boilerplate provides infrastructure to add CSRF protection for ASP.NET Web API Controllers and completely automates it.


With ASP.NET MVC Clients

If you are using Web API inside an MVC project, no additional configuration needed. Even if you are self-hosting your Web API layer in another process, no configuration needed as long as you are making AJAX requests from a configured MVC application.

With Other Clients

If your clients are diffrent kind of applications (say, an independent angularjs application which can not use SetAntiForgeryCookie() method as described before), then you should provide a way of setting the anti forgery token cookie. One possible way of doing that is to create an api controller like that:

using System.Net.Http;
using Abp.Web.Security.AntiForgery;
using Abp.WebApi.Controllers;

namespace AngularForgeryDemo.Controllers
    public class AntiForgeryController : AbpApiController
        private readonly IAbpAntiForgeryManager _antiForgeryManager;

        public AntiForgeryController(IAbpAntiForgeryManager antiForgeryManager)
            _antiForgeryManager = antiForgeryManager;

        public HttpResponseMessage GetTokenCookie()
            var response = new HttpResponseMessage();


            return response;

Then you can call this action from client to set the cookie.



ASP.NET Core MVC has a better Anti Forgery mechanism compared to previous version (ASP.NET MVC 5.x):

  • It has AutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAttribute class that automates anti forgery validation for all POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE actions.
  • It has ValidateAntiForgeryToken and IgnoreAntiforgeryToken attributes to control token validation.
  • Automatically adds anti forgery security token to HTML forms if you don't explicitly disable it. So, no need to call @Html.AntiForgeryToken() in most cases.
  • It can read request token from HTTP header and the form field.

ABP adds the following features:

  • Automatically adds anti forgery token to the header for all AJAX requests.
  • Provides function to get the token in the javascript, even you will not need it much.


Startup templates already integrated to CSRF protection out of the box. If you need to manually add it to your project (maybe you created your project before we added it), follow this guide.

Startup Class

First, we should add AutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAttribute to global filters while adding MVC in ConfigureServices of Startup class:

services.AddMvc(options =>
    options.Filters.Add(new AutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenAttribute());

Thus, all MVC actions (except GET, HEAD, OPTIONS and TRACE as declared before) will be automatically validated for anti forgery token.

Layout View

We should add the following code in our Layout view:

@using Abp.Web.Security.AntiForgery
@inject IAbpAntiForgeryManager AbpAntiForgeryManager

Thus, all pages use this layout will include it. It creates and sets appropriate token cookies and makes javascript side working. If you have more than one layout, add this to all of them.

That's all we should do for ASP.NET Core MVC applications. All AJAX requests will work automatically. For non-ajax form submits, ASP.NET Core automatically adds anti forgery token field if you use one of asp-* tags in your form. So, no need to use @Html.AntiForgeryToken() normally.

Client Libraries

Anti forgery token should be provided in the request header for all AJAX requests, as we declared before. We will see how it's done here.


abp.jquery.js defines an AJAX interceptor which adds the anti forgery token to the request header for every request. It gets the token from javascript function.


Angular automatically adds the anti forgery token to all AJAX requests. See Cross Site Request Forgery (XSRF) Protection section in Angularjs $http document. ABP uses the same cookie and header names as default. So, Angular integration works out of the box.

Other Libraries

If you are using any other library for AJAX requests, you have three options:

Intercept XMLHttpRequest

Since all libraries use the javascript's native AJAX object, XMLHttpRequest, you can define such a simple interceptor to add token to the header:

(function (send) {
    XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function (data) {
        return, data);
Use Library Interceptor

A good library provide interception points (like jquery and angularjs). So, follow your vendor's documentation to learn how to intercept requests and manipulate headers.

Add the Header Manually

The last option, you can use to get the token and add to the request header manually for every request. But you probably do not need this and solve the problem as descibed above.


You may wonder how ABP handles it. Actually, we are using the same mechanism described in the angularjs documentation mentioned before. ABP stores the token into a cookie (as described above) and sets requests headers using that cookie. It also well integrates to ASP.NET MVC, Web API and Core frameworks for validating it.