In this document

Role Entity

Role entity represents a role for the application. It should be derived from AbpRole class as shown below:

public class Role : AbpRole<Tenant, User>
    //add your own role properties here

This class is created when you install module-zero. Roles are stored in AbpRoles table in the database. You can add your custom properties to Role class (and create database migrations for the changes).

AbpRole defines some properties. Most importants are:

  • Name: Unique name of the role in the tenant.
  • DisplayName: Shown name of the role.
  • IsDefault: Is this role assigned to new users by default?
  • IsStatic: Is this role static (pre-build and can not be deleted).

Roles are used to group permissions. When a user has a role, then he/she will have all permissions of that role. A user can have multiple roles. Permissions of this user will be a merge of all permissions of all assigned roles.

Dynamic vs Static Roles

In module-zero, roles can be dynamic or static:

  • Static role: A static role has a known name (like 'admin') and can not change this name (we can change display name). It exists on the system startup and can not be deleted. Thus, we can write codes based on a static role name.
  • Dynamic (non static) role: We can create a dynamic role after deployment. Then we can grant permissions for that role, we can assign the role to some users and we can delete it. We can not know names of dynamic roles in development time.

Use IsStatic property to set it for a role. Also, we should register static roles on PreInitialize of our module. Assume that we have an "Admin" static role for tenants:

Configuration.Modules.Zero().RoleManagement.StaticRoles.Add(new StaticRoleDefinition("Admin", MultiTenancySides.Tenant));

Thus, module-zero will be aware of static roles.

Default Roles

One or more roles can be set as default. Default roles are assigned to new added/registered users as default. This is not a development time property and can be set or changed after deployment. Use IsDefault property to set it.

Role Manager

RoleManager is a service to perform domain logic for roles:

public class RoleManager : AbpRoleManager<Tenant, Role, User>

You can inject and use RoleManager to create, delete, update roles, grant permissions for roles and much more. You can add your own methods here. Also, you can override any method of AbpRoleManager base class for your own needs.

Like UserManager, Some methods of RoleManager also return IdentityResult as a result instead of throwing exceptions for some cases. See user management document for more information.

Multi Tenancy

Similar to user management, role management also works for single tenant in one time in a multi-tenant application. See user management document for more information.