In this document
Download Starter Template
Download the starter template with ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core to integrate Oracle. Multi-page template with ASP.NET Core + .NET Core Framework + Authentication will be explained in this document.
Install the Oracle.EntityFrameworkCore
NuGet package to the *.EntityFrameworkCore project.
Delete Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
from *.EntityFrameworkCore project because it will not be used anymore.
Some configuration and workarounds are needed to use Oracle with ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core.
Configure DbContext
Replace YourProjectNameDbContextConfigurer.cs
with the following lines
public static class PostgreSqlDemoDbContextConfigurer
public static void Configure(DbContextOptionsBuilder<PostgreSqlDemoDbContext> builder, string connectionString)
public static void Configure(DbContextOptionsBuilder<PostgreSqlDemoDbContext> builder, DbConnection connection)
Configure connection string
Change the connection string to your PostgreSQL connection in *.Web.Mvc/appsettings.json and *.Migrator/appsettings.json projects. For example:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"Default": "Data Source = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = XE))); User Id = system; Password = 123qwe;"
Configure IsolationLevel for UnitOfWork
In order to use Oracle with EF Core, IsolationLevel of the UnitOfWork must be set to ReadCommitted as shown below. You can do this in the PreInitialize method of the Core module of your app.
Configuration.UnitOfWork.IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
Create Database
Remove all migration classes(including DbContextModelSnapshot
) under *.EntityFrameworkCore/Migrations folder.
because Oracle.EntityFrameworkCore
will add some of its own configuration to work with Entity Framework Core.
Now it's ready to build database.
- Open a terminal or command prompt and go to root directory of *.EntityFrameworkCore project.
- Run
dotnet ef migrations add Initial_Migration
command. - Place the code below to PreInitialize method of the Migrator project's Core module;
Configuration.UnitOfWork.IsTransactional = false;
- Then, run the Migrator project to create and seed your database.
The Oracle integration is now complete. You can now run your project with Oracle.