In this document
What is the ASP.NET Boilerplate?
ASP.NET Boilerplate (ABP) is an open source and well-documented application framework. It's not just a framework, it also provides a strong architectural model based on Domain Driven Design, with all the best practices in mind.
ABP works with the latest ASP.NET Core & EF Core but also supports ASP.NET MVC 5.x & EF 6.x as well.
A Quick Sample
Let's investigate a simple class to see ABP's benefits:
public class TaskAppService : ApplicationService, ITaskAppService
private readonly IRepository<Task> _taskRepository;
public TaskAppService(IRepository<Task> taskRepository)
_taskRepository = taskRepository;
public async Task UpdateTask(UpdateTaskInput input)
Logger.Info("Updating a task for input: " + input);
var task = await _taskRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync(input.TaskId);
if (task == null)
throw new UserFriendlyException(L("CouldNotFindTheTaskMessage"));
ObjectMapper.MapTo(input, task);
Here we see a sample Application Service method. An application service, in DDD, is directly used by the presentation layer to perform the use cases of the application. Think UpdateTask as a method that is called by JavaScript via AJAX.
Let's see some of ABP's benefits here:
- Dependency Injection: ABP uses and provides a conventional DI infrastructure. Since this class is an application service, it's conventionally registered to the DI container as transient (created per request). It can simply inject any dependencies (such as the IRepository<Task> in this sample).
- Repository: ABP can create a default repository for each entity (such as IRepository<Task> in this example). The default repository has many useful methods such as the FirstOrDefault method used in this example. We can extend the default repository to suit our needs. Repositories abstract the DBMS and ORMs and simplify the data access logic.
- Authorization: ABP can check permissions declaratively. It prevents access to the UpdateTask method if the current user has no "update tasks" permission or is not logged in. ABP not only uses declarative attributes, but it also has additional ways in which you can authorize.
- Validation: ABP automatically checks if the input is null. It also validates all the properties of an input based on standard data annotation attributes and custom validation rules. If a request is not valid, it throws a proper validation exception and handles it in the client side.
- Audit Logging : User, browser, IP address, calling service, method, parameters, calling time, execution duration and some other information is automatically saved for each request based on conventions and configurations.
- Unit Of Work: In ABP, each application service method is assumed to be a unit of work by default. It automatically creates a connection and begins a transaction at the beginning of the method. If the method successfully completes without an exception, then the transaction is committed and the connection is disposed. Even if this method uses different repositories or methods, all of them will be atomic (transactional). All changes on entities are automatically saved when a transaction is committed. We don't even need to call the _repository.Update(task) method as shown above.
- Exception Handling: We almost never have to manually handle exceptions in ABP on a web application. All exceptions are automatically handled by default! If an exception occurs, ABP automatically logs it and returns a proper result to the client. For example, if this is an AJAX request, it returns a JSON object to the client indicating that an error occurred. It hides the actual exception from the client unless the exception is a UserFriendlyException, as used in this sample. It also understands and handles errors on the client side and show appropriate messages to the users.
- Logging: As you see, we can write logs using the Logger object defined in the base class. Log4Net is used by default, but it's changeable and configurable.
- Localization: Note that we used the 'L' method while throwing the exception? This way, it's automatically localized based on the current user's culture. See the localization document for more.
- Auto Mapping: In the last line, we map input using the MapTo method of ABP's IObjectMapper. properties to entity properties. It uses the AutoMapper library to perform the mapping. We can easily map properties from one object to another based on naming conventions.
- Dynamic API Layer: TaskAppService is a simple class, actually. We generally have to write a wrapper API Controller to expose methods to JavaScript clients, but ABP automatically does that on runtime. This way, we can use application service methods directly from clients.
- Dynamic JavaScript AJAX Proxy : ABP creates proxy methods that make calling application service methods as simple as calling JavaScript methods on the client.
We can see the benefits of ABP in this simple class. All these tasks normally take significant time, but are automatically handled by the framework.
Besides this simple example, ABP provides a strong infrastructure and development model for modularity, multi-tenancy, caching, background jobs, data filters, setting management, domain events, unit & integration testing and so on... You focus on your business code and don't repeat yourself!
Getting Started
You can start with the startup templates or the introduction tutorials.
Startup Templates
Directly create a modern looking startup project from the startup templates.

Startup templates provides a basic layout and some common features for an application. There are several startup templates with different options.
- Single Page Application with ASP.NET Core & Angular
- Multi-Page Application with ASP.NET Core & jQuery
See the download page for other combinations.
Introduction Tutorials
Step by step tutorials introduces the framework and explains how to create your application based on the startup templates.
- Introduction with ASP.NET Core & Entity Framework Core
- Developing a multi-tenant (SaaS) application with ASP.NET Core, EntityFramework Core & Angular
- Introduction with ASP.NET MVC 5.x, Web API 2.x, EntityFramework 6.x & AngularJS 1.x
- Developing a multi-tenant (SaaS) application with ASP.NET MVC 5.x, EntityFramework 6.x & AngularJS 1.x
There are many sample projects developed with the framework. See the samples page.
This is an open source project and open to contributions from the community.
- Use the GitHub repository to access the latest source code, create issues and send pull requests.
- Use aspnetboilerplate tag on stackoverflow to ask questions about the usage.
- Follow aspboilerplate on twitter to be informed about the happenings.