In this document
ASP.NET Boilerplate is integrated into the ASP.NET Web API Controllers via the Abp.Web.Api NuGet package. You can create regular ASP.NET Web API Controllers like you always do. Dependency Injection properly works for regular ApiControllers, but you should derive your controllers from AbpApiController, which provides several benefits and integrates better into ASP.NET Boilerplate.
AbpApiController Base Class
This is a simple api controller derived from AbpApiController:
public class UsersController : AbpApiController
AbpApiController defines an L method to make localization easier. Example:
public class UsersController : AbpApiController
public UsersController()
LocalizationSourceName = "MySourceName";
public UserDto Get(long id)
var helloWorldText = L("HelloWorld");
You must set the LocalizationSourceName property in order to make the L method work. You can set this in your own base api controller class so you don't have to repeat it for each api controller.
You can also use the pre-injected AbpSession, EventBus, PermissionManager, PermissionChecker, SettingManager, FeatureManager, FeatureChecker, LocalizationManager, Logger, and CurrentUnitOfWork base properties (and more).
ABP defines some pre-built filters for the AspNet Web API. All of them are added to all actions of all controllers by default.
Audit Logging
The AbpApiAuditFilter is used to integrate into the audit logging system. It logs all requests to all actions by default (if auditing is not disabled). You can control audit logging using the Audited and DisableAuditing attributes for actions and controllers.
You can use the AbpApiAuthorize attribute for your api controllers or actions to prevent unauthorized users from using your controllers and actions. Example:
public class UsersController : AbpApiController
public UserDto Get(long id)
You can define the AllowAnonymous attribute for actions or controllers to suppress authentication/authorization. AbpApiController also defines the IsGranted method as a shortcut to check the permissions in the code.
See the authorization documentation for more info.
Anti Forgery Filter
AbpAntiForgeryApiFilter is used to automatically protect the ASP.NET Web API actions from CSRF/XSRF attacks (including the dynamic web api) (for POST, PUT and DELETE requests). See the CSRF documentation for more info.
Unit Of Work
AbpApiUowFilter is used to integrate into the Unit of Work system. It automatically begins a new unit of work before an action execution and if no exception is thrown, completes the unit of work after the action execution.
You can use the UnitOfWork attribute to control the behavior of the UOW for an action. You can also use the startup configuration to change the default unit of work attribute for all actions.
Result Wrapping & Exception Handling
ASP.NET Boilerplate does not wrap Web API actions by default if an action has successfully executed. It, however, handles and wraps exceptions. You can add the WrapResult/DontWrapResult attributes to actions and controllers for finer control. You can change this default behavior from the startup configuration (using Configuration.Modules.AbpWebApi()...). See the AJAX document for more info about result wrapping.
Result Caching
ASP.NET Boilerplate adds the Cache-Control header (no-cache, no-store) to the response of Web API requests. This way, it prevents browser caching of responses even for GET requests. This behavior can be disabled through the configuration.
AbpApiValidationFilter automatically checks ModelState.IsValid and prevents execution of the action if it's not valid. It also implements input DTO validation as described in the validation documentation.
Model Binders
AbpApiDateTimeBinder is used to normalize DateTime (and Nullable<DateTime>) inputs using the Clock.Normalize method.